Formation, Innovation, Transport

e-ManTRA : Guidelines for teachers and trainers


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Teachers & trainers, get our guide to improve your online and distance teaching capacities, include more digital resources in your classes and discover new pedagogical methods. 

The Guide for developing and implementing inclusive distance or blended training was developed based on a survey conducted among teachers and trainers in Finland, France, Germany, Romania, Spain and Sweden, and a literature review carried out by the project partners.

They are composed of four parts:

  • Guidelines presenting the different modalities of distance learning, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as advice and best practices for the successful transition from face-to-face to digital training.

          Available here

  • An inventory of 55 innovative pedagogical methods, tools and approaches selected by the consortium to ensure inclusive, dynamic and diversified distance or blended training for learners.

    Available here
  • Pedagogical scenarios for the delivery of specific learning objectives of transport manager training to help teachers and trainers combine different methods and tools to implement new e-learning or hybrid training opportunities and provide learners with an exciting and motivating learning experience.

    Available here 
  • An online decision-making tool for teachers and trainers to quickly find the most appropriate modality for their needs (e-learning, virtual class, hybrid training, etc.) as well as suitable teaching methods and tools.

          Coming soon

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