As part of the Erasmus+ e-ManTRA project, trainers from six European countries were asked about their use of digital training during the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim was to use this information to better support trainers in the development and implementation of (partially) digital training offers in the future.
Which training formats they used?
The results indicate that virtual classroom training is the most common training format chosen by the trainers surveyed. 71% of the respondents stated that they had already conducted such training in the past.
The second most common format indicated by trainers was mixed-format training, in which digital synchronous and digital asynchronous formats complement each other.
Which of the formats applied is consider particularly suitable and successful / unsuitable?
Overall, the mixed format was rated by the trainers as by far the most suitable/successful format.
The trainers also rated self-directed e-learning with tutorial support as successful.
The exclusive use of self-directed e-learning, on the other hand, was rated as unsuitable by many trainers.
Which media they used in (partially) digital training?
The most frequently used media were presentations and videos.
Worksheets, books, and audio (e.g. podcasts) were used less frequently.
Presentations, videos, and worksheets were rated most successful by the participants.
Which training methods have they used in digital training?
In terms of methods used, group work, simulations, games/gamified approaches, and lectures/presentations were particularly rated as successful.
No method was judged to be particularly unsuitable.
Many trainers stated that the suitability of the methods employed always depends on the specific content and topic.
It is noticeable that the evaluation of games/gamified approaches in the different countries differed greatly. According to this, mainly the trainers working in France stated that this method was successful. Some trainers also stated that they would like to expand their methodological repertoire for training.
In order to support trainers in the selection and application of new digital methods, the e-ManTRA project will, among other things, create an inventory of various techniques, tools, methods and media and describe their advantages and disadvantages.
In addition, an interactive "self-questioning tool" will be developed, with which trainers can formulate their expectations and wishes for a distance learning module and receive suggestions for suitable tools, methods, and media.